Psychoanalysis and Politics is a conference series that aims to address how crucial contemporary political issues may be fruitfully analyzed through psychoanalytic theory and vice versa – how political phenomena may reflect back on psychoanalytic thinking. The series is interdisciplinary; we invite theoretical contributions and historical, literary or clinical case studies from philosophers, sociologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, group analysts, literary theorists, historians, political scientists, politicians, political activists and others. Perspectives from different psychoanalytic schools are most welcome.
We emphasise room for discussion among the presenters and participants, thus the symposium series creates a space where representatives of different perspectives come together and engage with one another’s contributions, participating in a community of thought.
We aim to be non-discriminatory and egalitarian. Disrespect or discrimination towards the forum or any of its participants on the basis of nationality, skin colour, ethnicity, religion, gender or sexuality will not be tolerated.
We aim to disseminate the knowledge produced in these fora by means of publications.
Psychoanalysis and Politics is registered as a non-profit organisation in Norway with the organisation no. 998 503 221. The conferences are international and take place in different countries and locations.
Dr. Lene Auestad, holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Ethics Programme, University of Oslo. She writes and lectures internationally on ethics, critical theory and psychoanalysis, with a particular focus on prejudice, racism, discrimination, trauma and nationalism. She is an Associate Member of the Norwegian Psychoanalytical Society. Link to her personal webpage
About the ethos of Psychoanalysis and Politics Symposia
Sometimes someone asks if they can come to hear only one part from the symposium programme and they are puzzled when we have to say no. Psychoanalysis and Politics symposia are not like ordinary conferences, so it therefore seems useful to explain. Our idea for the symposia we hold each year is for the people who attend to gradually create a holding or containing space together within which we can venture into new – and sometimes into radically new – intellectual, emotional and experiential territory. Three things help this to happen –
Everyone commits to participating in all the sessions – the ‘audience’ is not listening passively but participates in the discussion after each paper.
- Everyone is equal – for instance, there is no hierarchy of ‘key note speakers’ and ‘others’.
- There are no separate sessions running in parallel – just one unified programme.
Firm boundaries are very helpful for this and feedback after each previous symposium has emphasised the value of maintaining boundaries through attendance, participation and good time-keeping.
Due to the nature of the forum audio recording is not permitted – we give priority to those who are present rather than to absent others, to creating a good atmosphere for exchange.
Psychoanalysis and Politics is an interdisciplinary conference series – we invite theoretical contributions and historical, literary or clinical case studies from philosophers, sociologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, group analysts, literary theorists, historians and others. Perspectives from different psychoanalytic schools are most welcome. We promote discussion among the presenters and participants, for the symposium series creates a space where representatives of different perspectives come together, engage with one another’s contributions and participate in a community of thought.